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Class Information

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In every art class, students learn how the Elements of Art and Principles of Design relate to Art media and projects. This includes all of the standard art techniques and practices (drawing, painting, mixed media, 3D, etc.). See course desciptions below for differences between each level of Art.



Your grade is tied directly to your effort.  Not everyone comes into Art class with the same talent, exposure, or interest.  We grade you based on these four basic standards: 

  • Creativity 

  • Craftsmanship/Skills/Technique 

  • Time Management 

  • Completion 

What this means is we are looking for you to think about the project and problem solve, work everyday to improve your skills, and use your time wisely to complete the project.

Make Up / Late Work:

When absent, check with your teacher to see what you missed. In general, you may be able to complete make up work in class when you return from an absence. If you get behind you can come in and work before or after school to catch up. Check with us to schedule a time. We want you to be successful. 

Course Descriptions

Art, MS1 (1st Year in Middle School Art, comprised of both 6th and 7th graders)
Four basic strands--perception, creative expression/performance, historical and cultural heritage, and critical evaluation--provide broad, unifying structures for organizing the knowledge and skills students are expected to acquire. This course is designed to expose students to a variety of media and tools; they will create various projects while they explore different forms of art. Students rely on their perceptions of the environment, developed through increasing visual awareness and sensitivity to surroundings, memory, imagination, and life experiences, as a source for creating artworks. They express their thoughts and ideas creatively, while challenging their imagination, fostering reflective thinking, and developing disciplined effort and problem- solving skills. By analyzing artistic styles and historical periods students develop respect for the traditions and contributions of diverse cultures. Students respond to and analyze artworks, thus contributing to the development of lifelong skills of making informed judgments and  valuations. Student work will be exhibited throughout the school and in art shows and contests.

Art, MS2 (2nd Year in Art, mostly 7th graders)
*Art students must have completed the Art, MS1, or an art course in middle school, in order to take this higher level art class.

Students will focus on individual expression, elements and principles of design, and expanding their skill level while studying various artists and art styles. This course is designed to help students further explore many different types of media and tools; they will create various projects while they continue to explore and develop their own unique style in different forms of art. Student work will be exhibited throughout the school and in art shows and contests.

*Students who complete Art, MS2 in 7th Grade are encouraged to take Art 1 for high school credit in 8th grade.

Art 1 – High School Credit (3rd year in Art or 8th grade)
*Students must have completed one year of middle school fine arts, preferably an art course, to be enrolled in this course

This course provides an introduction to drawing, sculpting, color and design techniques. A variety of media will be explored (may include): pencil, charcoal, paint, pastel, cardboard, clay, printmaking and other media. The course focuses on the elements and principles of design and will give the students an  pportunity to use higher order thinking skills to create original works of art. Artists and art history will be introduced to help the students build a foundation in art. Students will also be guided with vocabulary to talk about art and critique it in an organized manner. Evaluation is based off of given criteria, the use of the elements and principles of design, craftsmanship and creativity. A folder/sketchbook will be kept to record ideas and information given to the students. Student work will be exhibited throughout the school and in art shows and contests.

*This course will count for high school credit and will become a permanent part of the student’s high school transcript. Art I will be factored into the student’s high school cumulative grade point average/GPA.

Meet the Teachers


Art MS2, Art HS1

Lead Secondary Art Teacher


Art MS1


Art MS1, Art MS2

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